Big Thanks to our Oversea's Guest Judges
Hugo Goorhuis
Yan Hus
From "Almere Tattoo Studio"

Raelene Robinson (Art Display) Hervey Bay. Qld Australia.
I've roped Raelene into making our 1st prizes!!!
they are hand made Raedala's,burnt art.
Collectors Items.

Some of Raelene's work can be seen here...enjoy
Suzi Powell
(working bay)
Reilly's Tattoo and Art Gallery

Reilly's Tattoo and Art Gallery

Protat website link
S.I.N.Z. is Proudlly Sponsored by Tat-2 Supply |

Gooses Screen Printers Ltd
The saga about the hazzle I had to get compensated for their shoody workmanship.
Click the link below.
This page is about the Gooses Screen Printers Ltd Saga,my personal battle to be fairly compensated for the faulty garments
I paid $7862 for.
remember,growing older is mandatory
growing up is optional #
Sue would like to thank all the Christchurch Artist's who've
been very positive and supportive with this endeavour,your continued support will be wot will make this show a winner for
everybody involved.Christchurch Tattoo Artist's Rock.
This site is constanly being up-dated,if you've past info on to Sue,please be patient,she will endeavour to up-date as quickly
as possible...
Christchurch's Only Tattoo and
Art Expo
This site will be up-dated often,If
u find any of the information on this site is in-correct
please contact James or Sue at
and we will correct it