Goose T shirts Sux
Cruise's (my son's) Hoodie after 3 days wearing... |
................VERY VERY DISAPOINTING...... |
This pic was taken on the monday after the expo,its hanging on a fan for display.
As you can image after paying $7862 for 400 garments,to see my own son's hoodie after only 3 days wearing
to look like this???
I immedialty e mailed Pete Presland from Gooses complaining about this,he told me not to worry he could
"Fix" my garments,
At that stage I took 7 garments back to be "Fixed"(3 hoodies & 3 womens t's & 1 mens
shirt that had been printed backwards,sponsors on front and gargoyle on back...duh)
Not having any screen printing knowledge at that stage,I had no idea if they could be "Fixed" or not.
He re printed another patch over top of the orginal patch on 5 garments and just recured the 6th(not even
lining them up correctly,you could still see the underneath patch at the side of the new patch)
When I checked these garments by stretching them horizontally they still cracked up,when I asked him about
it he said that was Normal????
I wasn't at all pleased with this result and so I took my investigations further.I took my garments to get
some legal advice after the "Fair Trading" help line said I should get further advise.I had no wish to pursue this if it was
normal for this to happen to screen printed garments.
After getting other local sreen printers advice.I started to find out that what Gooses had told me was "normal"
was in fact not "normal" and was in fact an under curing problem.
This is what Gooses promised my shirts would |
look like...they where nothing like this image!!! |
At this early stage I believed only the female shirts and hoodies to be faulty,(as every1 i had in my possesion
was like this)but after pulling out some mens t's to send to Patsy Farrow for the 21st Anniversay Expo in Melbourne I found
the mens had the same problem,but just less obivious.
I had already asked for cash rembursement from Gooses for the female shirt and hoodies I had in my
possesion at that time.(as every single garment cracked)As Gooses had shown they couldn't "Fix" my garments after the 1st
6 came back even worse than b4 being "Fixed"
Goose's come back was "Sue over ordered her garments and is now just trying to reclaim some money back to
cover her mistake,he then acused me of delibratly trashing my garments to get a refund.Pete blaming me for his poor workmanship
I found extremely insulting.
....All good if they where NOT Faulty,But the garments are FAULTY...of the 243 I had(being recalled
garments and brand new 1's)only 20 of them didn't crack up,so 223 did crack up...thats only 20 good shirts,it horrifeid me
when other printers confirmed that it would be expected the 200 odd I sold on the day where also VERY likely faulty as
well(something that I was gutted about,I had sold faulty garments at my 1st Expo...EEKKK)
The only thing Worse than having 200 garments left over was having 200 FAULTY garments left over...garments I
didn't even want to give away(Sorry Patsy,thats why I never sent any over)
I had several complaints from people whom had bought or been gifted garments on the day.But Pete Presland
told Ms Hickey ,(our disputes mediator ),that I had delibratly trashed my garments to claim money back....I told Ms Hickey
that if I had done this then it would of been silly of me to show other printers as they would off picked this up themselves,of
the 4 that inspected the garments they all quickly confirmed there was an under curing issue,(not something I could of created
James New Hoodie (unworn) |
This is a "FIXED" Hoodie (Cruise's) it fuzzy... |
...& worse looking than when it was new |
The whole T Shirt Saga fukin near drove me mad...It cost me $209 to get a Canesis Report (Textile Detective
Company) which stated the 13 garments they tested WHERE under cured,BUT at the 1st Tribunal this evidence was not enough as
I had only had 13 garments tested (HOLY CRAP,if I had known that I would off taken every garment to be tested,not just 13)
The amount of people I bugged for complaints(SO SORRY) I am embarressed that I had to even ask for such
help,even Tiki from Salmonalla Dub sent his gifted hoodie back,& it looked unworn,when this garment was shown at the 1st
tribunal Pete again stated I HAD DAMAGED the garment....UNBELIEVABLE...such a fukin lier...
I've never had to do this kinda thing b4,(Disputes Tribunal)and to have some1 blatelty lie during this,blew
After the 1st tribunal I was advised to take 243 garments to Gooses for Pete to inspect how many garments
where in fact under cured...(something I was very aprehensive about,having to deal with him again)
The drop off didn't go well,Pete was arguementive and kept side tracking from just counting the garments
so James & myself could just get the hell outta there.
Pete was advised to make me an offer of replacement blank garments(as I didn't want him to re print them,he
couldn't capture the image the 1st time)
So he offered to replace all 243 garments stating in a letter to the disputes courts,that I had itimadated
him at the drop off and that even though not all garments where faulty he would replace them all to get us out of his life.
I rejected his offer (as kind as it was) and sent a counter offer asking 4 the 20 good shirts to be returned
and the printing fee's he saved by giving me blank garments the Canesis report costs and my artwork...this was rejected and
the 2nd tribunal was arranged(Pete had changed the date when he sent his letter to tribunal,putting it of YET again,even b4
I had his offer)
2nd Tribunal 12th Sept 06
As the garments in question where in Goose's posession it was expected of him to bring them to the tribuanl.
When Ms Hickey asked Pete why didn't he bring the garments,his reply was,there not mine there Susan Moores
garments its her responsiblty to bring them.Ms Hickey said,but the garments are in your posession Mr Presland (Duh) he again
said they where not his responsiblity,so great start,she then asked if some1 from his workplace could bring them,again
he said NO,(very unhelpful)This was the sort of unco operative behavouir Pete display the whole way threw this crazy process.
it got worse
it ended with Ms Hickey having to make a descion,which was that Gooses Screen Printers where to paye me
$4,334.11 as full re embursement for all 223 faulty garments & to return the 20 garments that where ok.
This he did,I got a specially clearance on his cheque,as I won't trust him ever again.
I would like to thank EVERYBODY that supported me during the Goose's process.
Global Culture
John West
Marissa (CLC) WTG Girlfriend
Angela (CLC)
Dale Kelly
Sharon,Leana & Kaye